Prapa\Filmat\Filmat e Edicionit të 6-të\Klejdi Esk i- 100 Kafe  

Vllau Jem

Nihere ni ve e një shqiponje kish ra prej foles ne tokë ,kish ra afër veve te një pate
, edhe mas do dite kur qelen vete pata e pa që njona prej zogjeve po dallon nga
tjerat por e pranoj qashtu qysh o. Edhe shqiponja u rrit në mesin e patave , pra u
rrrit si patë bile edhe u mësua me bë si pate, një ditë kur shqiponja u rritë shumë
e ngriti kokën lart edhe e pa në qjell një shqiponje duke fluturuar edhe tha vet me
veti, “ah cka kisha dasht edhe une me fluturu“ edhe shqiponja e kaloi jeten ne
toke duke jetu si pate pa e ditur se edha ajo mundet me fluturu

Once upon a time an eagle’s egg fell out from its nest to the ground and it
happened to be near to the duck’s eggs, and day by day kur qeln vet, although
the duck recognized one of the eggs was different from the others it has to be
accepted as it is. So, the eagle has grown up among the ducks as a duck, she
even start acting like a duck. One day, when the eagle has now grown up so
much, she looked up in the sky and saw an eagle flying and she said to herself
“ I wish I could fly too”. So, the eagle spent all of her life living as a duck,
without even knowing she could fly.

Skenari & regjia / Screenplay & Director: Burim Baftiu, Ass regjie & organizator/Ass Directed & Organizing: Erson Zymberi, Kamera/Camera : Artan Korenica, Montzha&Animacioni/Editing & Animation: Besart Gërbeshi, Audio postproduction/Audio postproduction: Arbër Elezi, Krani/Crane: Vetmer Rudaku-Meli, Toni/Tone: Gezim Rama, Grimi/Grime: Loreta Ukshini, Skenogafia/scenography: Bekim Korqa, Kompozitori/Composer: Trimor Dhomi

Luajnë/Caste: Ernest Malazogu, Bislim Muqaj, Sabedin Shahiqi, Shpend Aliu, Ilir Jahiu, Lirim Nuhiu, Naser Zymberi, Safete Musafa, Ali Demi, Kushtrim Qerimi, Mejreme Berisha, Raif Haziri, Kujtim Shala, Sara Hoxha, Egzona Mehmeti